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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Caught in the Rain

Today, I decided that Millie and I would take a walk. The weather this weekend has been perfect. How could you not want to get out and walk? 

Now, I am going to say this next bit, not as a feel sorry for me statement, but a statement of reality. Being a single mom is tough. Yes, I have heard the comments 'I don't know how you do it', 'I could never do what you do'. While on the one hand it is nice that people recognize it is difficult, on the other hand, I know that more than likely they would do exactly what I did, which is rise to the occasion. 

The life of a single mom is non-stop. If something needs to be cleaned, cooked, mended, ironed, paid for, signed, delivered, picked up you do it. If you want to go on vacation, you think about it, research it, plan it, pay for it, wash for it, pack for it, drive to it, unpack, do all the normal stuff you would do and then repeat and go home. If a child has a wounded heart, you stop everything else that is screaming for attention and listen, bite your tongue, hold them close (or, for teenage boys be glad if they let you rub their back), pray silently for more guidance than you have on your own, and then help them. From the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning (before daylight) my body and brain are on GO. If there are chores to do, you assign them, you make sure they get done, you provide the consequences... do you see where I am going with this? There is no back up. There is no one to do one thing while you do another. There is not even someone to bounce ideas off of when you are thinking through situations. (Thank God I have wonderful friends that do listen to me, but I try to respect their time and not call them at midnight when I am still thinking). Okay, okay... before you misunderstand, I AM NOT COMPLAINING. I do all of this gladly because my kids are amazing and I love (most of the time) the fact that I get to be part of their lives and watch them grow. But, I'm not going to lie, it is not easy. If the money isn't there, guess what? If the time you have is short, guess what? You just make it work. One thing no single mom gets a chance to do is sit down and feel sorry for herself. Ain't nobody got time 'fo dat. 

So, why am I saying all of this? Just to let you, my sweet reader, know... I have been under a lot of pressure lately. I have felt like there is not enough of me to go around. Still not feeling sorry for myself, but very aware that I needed something to provide a little relief. 

I have had that this weekend. I turned the TV on for exactly long enough to watch "The Wedding Date", which I love. Gosh, I wish a man that looked that delicious would swear his undying love to me. But, I digress. 

I have read, I have listened to music, I have sung at the top of my lungs. For those of you who are musicians, you know exactly how relaxing and refreshing that can be to a tired soul. 

This morning I just prayed and asked God to provide freedom. Freedom from the stress, freedom from drama, just freedom to be relaxed, to smile again, which I have not done in a while. Yes, I smile at people all day long, but you know, the kind of smile that is just yours that comes when you are really truly happy just right that very moment? That smile. 

So, back to Silly Millie and I walking. I had the music rocking in my ear, I was enjoying the sights and sounds of the neighborhood and for once not thinking about anything at all. It started to rain. It was the nice kind of rain that really only frizzes my hair into a fro. There was nothing Millie and I could do but keep walking. Somehow the rain made the honeysuckle smell even more fragrant, and of course, the purple flowers were more purple and the yellows more yellow. I would tell you what the flowers were, but I'm kind of flower illiterate. Don't hold it against Mom and Grandma, they tried their best to teach me. 

Anyway, all of the sudden I realized I am smiling. I felt that deep down, soul cleansed, emotionally refreshed, physically soggy kind of peace that produces that kind of smile. You know exactly which one I mean. Well, the rain of course became a down pour, and Millie hates to get wet, so we would be walking and just all of the sudden she would shake her whole body and her legs would come out from underneath her. I could not help but laugh out loud. Now you know why she has that particular nickname. 

I always let Millie off the leash when we get back to our street and she usually runs to our house and waits on the porch. Not today. Today, she jumped around me and played tag with me all the way to our house. Even though she hates to get wet. I guess she could tell mommy was in a much better place. 

So, why blog about this? I mean seriously? Do people really care about my rainy walk. I dunno. But, I do want to say this. Today, I asked God for freedom in some very particular situations. Not that the problems would disappear. No no. I asked for freedom and release and for mountains to be moved. But, this afternoon on my walk.... I did not forget to thank God for the freedom I am living now. I have experienced a lot of pain and tragedy and drama. And yet I am living in freedom. Today I was able to enjoy peace and happiness. The mountains still need to be moved and the house still needs to be picked up, and the bird still had to be saved from the cat. But for tonight I am happy that I am free. 

P.s. When I previewed this, prior to posting I found a couple of grammatical error. Now, I can't find one of them. For all of my fellow grammar nazi's... don't hold it against me. If you find it, I will edit this post and fix it. I'm a little sideways like that. 

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