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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So this morning I had breakfast with the woman that helped me as I started on this very long journey. It was great to catch up on some stuff that has happened in the last six months. She encouraged me to start a blog. I thought it was a great idea. :) I always have something to say. I am starting this blog for several different reasons. It is a great way to journal my thoughts, feelings and changes as they occur. I hope that maybe some women who have been afraid to talk will find out that they are not alone and find someone who will listen. I do hope that I will also be challenged by the people that read this. Send me your questions, thoughts, ideas.

Six months ago I finally found enough courage to leave my abusive marriage. I was married for 14 years. I currently am still technically married... for just a couple more weeks anyway. To say that it was the most difficult decision of my life is an understatement. I will talk more about that later. I will end up sharing the whole story along the way... I will include some of my journal entries, I will tell you all about this ordeal... but, in time.

I hope that as you follow along with this blog (I still can't believe I am doing this) that you will laugh, maybe cry if you feel the need, hear of God's grace and redemption. It is my deepest desire that if you know of a woman that is in a marriage that is hurtful to her or her children that you will find the courage to share with her that there is an alternative. God never intended for her to live that way. I do hope that women will find courage to make the wisest choice for themselves and their families.

On a more personal level, I am going to learn to be transparent. I am sweet, funny, a lover of God, a lover of people, opinionated, strong willed, fiery, not quiet at all.... I drink, sometimes a swear word flies out of my mouth, I am prone to speak and act before I think (although I am still trying to work on that). I am not going to hold back here. I am going to be exactly who God made me to be right now, and I am going to become who He is changing me into. Somedays I am not sure who I am going to be at the end of this journey of healing. But, I am excited.

For today, as I start this blog, the verse that keeps coming to mind is in Psalm 23: 2-3. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul..."


  1. I'm so excited for you! Love the photo you chose, and your introduction. You look free, and beautiful, and...content. God is shining through you!

  2. Beka ~ This is amazing! I just might have to join you on this journey :)

  3. Ginger, please do. It will be interesting for sure. And somewhere along the way will be some fun too.

  4. Thank you Beka for sharing with us on your wonderful journey to find happiness within yourself. I am always here for you, as you already know, but I willing to learn along with you. I love you and you can always count on me.

  5. I am so proud of you! You are courageous and vulnerable and beautiful and your openess is a living testimony of Gods loving act of redemption. Thank you and I look forward to seeing how God works in and through you and others. Way to go!
